IASBO has succeeded in large part due to its positive relationship with our business supporters. In addition to the needed monetary support, our partners have added a great deal to the networking and support culture within IASBO. All our members benefit when we have a diverse group of active business supporters. We have a sponsorship program that includes a level of support that works for anyone doing business with Idaho schools.
There are 200+ members of IASBO working in school districts and charter schools across the state. We have members from the smallest districts to the largest. Our members are responsible for budgets, insurance, purchasing, accounting, human resources, payroll, software, maintenance, transportation, food service, technology, bonding, construction planning and oversight, and many more business tasks. Most decisions to purchase a product or service start with our members.
Although our members are spread out over a very large geographical area, they stay well connected. Through this network they ask each other for references, sharing their experiences, both good and bad. They are very aware of businesses that support IASBO. While being seen as a supporter doesn’t guarantee business, it does guarantee being considered.
Please consider continuing your support if you are already a partner. Please consider becoming a supporter if you haven’t yet. Click here to check out our levels of support and to find the link to the registration form.